I come from Jigalong they took me away but I walked all around country back to where I was born I came back.
Daisy Kadibil talks about her escape along the rabbit-proof fence, 2009

Daisy Kadibil was a small child when she was taken away from her family as part of the Stolen Generations. She and her sisters, Molly and Gracie, used the rabbit-proof fence to find their way back home to Jigalong from Moore River Native Settlement north of Perth, a journey of about 1600 kilometres. Molly’s daughter, Doris Pilkington (Nugi Garimara), wrote Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence (1996) after several years of interviewing her mother and Aunt Daisy. The book was later made into Phillip Noyce’s award-winning film Rabbit-Proof Fence (2002).

Type C print from large format Polaroid Type 665

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Parnngurr, Western Australia